See What Sticks

The global pandemic has forced us all to confront and compromise like never before. It exposed vulnerabilities and crippled entire industries within months. As we began to see the end of the road for the company I had been with for more than four years, I found myself in a familiar place, on my knees. I prayed for many things, but namely I prayed for opportunities to continue operating with an amazing team of talented people and the ability to serve a loyal client base. Thankfully God proved Himself an abundant giver.

As opportunities began to come my way, I decided I was going to say yes to everything and throw it all against the proverbial wall to see what would stick. This strategy has worked in the past as some things stuck and others fell away, and I was left only having to apply a small amount of discernment. However, this time, to my amazement nothing is peeling off the wall. I am not sure if I am to apply some divine level of discernment by taking things off the wall and discarding them, or somehow weave them together to make something beautiful. So far, thanks to an amazing team, one new business has been created and is carrying forward the work we have done over the past year in providing remote sales and revenue management support to clients. FUSED Topline Solutions is one of the first of several hospitality businesses that will emerge from the challenges we have faced. Not only has it stuck to the wall but has provided chance and opportunity to continue working with some of the most talented, devoted, and intelligent people I know.

FUSED Topline Solutions exists to serve by delivering promises and we promise to grow your business.

Stay tuned for part 3.

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